Saturday, July 3, 2010

Yay Sammy!

Goodness, gracious this little guy is officially on the move! All this week Sammy has been honing his skills scooting across the floor, culminating today with a full-on army crawl on his elbows and knees. I don't want to rush him, but with the quick progress he's made, I think Samster may be actually crawling really soon!

And he's fast! Once Sammy gets an object in sight that he wants (could be a toy, shoe, or mama) he's across the room in no time. While this makes life slightly less predictable for Mama and Dadda, I can't help but be super excited for the little bug. It's so fun to hear him coo with delight when he gets whatever treasure he's seeking into his mouth!

"Ooooo Mama. I see Guthrie's Thomas. I want that!"
Action shot.

Getting closer....
Coming to get you mama! (I was having a hard time snapping a photo of him- each time I scooted back and lifted the camera, Sammy was right on top of me!)
(yes, those are bug bites all over his face- Sammy's just too sweet for those darn mosquitos to resist)
Pleased as punch!


Jessa said...

That smile! Delish!

Mama V said...

I love that action shot! He's determined!