Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I've been doing a good bit of running as of late and oftentimes one or both of the boys will come along with me (don't worry, if I only have one it means that Parker or Posey is watching the other).

Anyway, Guthrie has really gotten into the whole ritual of running: he will ask to wear his "running shoes" (many of his shoes are now categorized), this day he wore a headband similar to one I often wear and he loves to stretch and say the word, "stretch" with every letter annunciated. This day he was already in the stroller when the stretching began, but that didn't stop this guy!
Oh those skinny little legs are like rubberbands.

All ready to go! Yeah, not quite sure what he's wearing either......
Oh yeah, G's also sportin' his new hairdo- Bri likes to call it the short, tousled handsome look. He's awfully cute....