Friday, December 25, 2009

Dreaming of a white Christmas

We couldn't believe our amazingly good fortune when we woke up to this beautiful scene this morning!
Santa answered our wish of a white Christmas...

Ok. Just kidding. It's more like this:
and this:
and this, here in NC:
But, we're cozily enjoying ourselves inside, watching G play with his new and old toys. He's super cute, so we don't care much about what's happening outside!


Mama V said...

Awww... We still have several inches of snow on the ground, but it's gray outside and getting warmer... The snow is starting to melt and the rain is coming! The mud and muck are coming fast!! We're with ya' - it's a perfect day for this kind of weather, for hunkering down inside, enjoying the family time. Love you all!

carrie said...

Happy Christmas day! You got me with your snow pictures...ha ha!
Love you guys!

Traci said...

You totally got me! I was just sure that we had a good snow storm! Too funny . . . . Merry Christmas!